* Name 姓名,必须填写Organization(if any) 组织机构,非必填。* Email address必须填写电邮地址方便注册商(regestrar)联系,必须用whois信息中域名所有人的邮箱。Phone number(optional) 填写电话号码,非必填。* Domain name必须填写 投诉的域名,如abc.com ,注意不用填www. (上图示例有错)。 此处只能填写单个,提交时系统会自动查询注册商
Indicate the reason(s) 选择投诉的问题类型,选域名转移中遇到的相关的问题。
My registrar blocked the transfer because I did not pay the transfer fee.注册商拒绝转移,因为我没有支付转移费用。 (如果原注册商要求收取转移费用或必须续费一年才给转,就选择上这一项)
The registrar blocked the transfer because I have not paid for a pending or future registration period.注册商拒绝转移,因为我没有支付到期前的注册费用。My domain name has not expired and the registrar requested it be renewed prior to the transfer.我的域名没有过期,注册商要求在转移之前续费。
I am the Registered Name Holder and my email address is listed as the registrant’s in the registration information, but the registrar requested proof of my identity我使用姓名和邮件地址与登记注册信息一致,但注册商还要求我提供身份证明。(一般勾选这一个即可)
The registrar blocked the transfer because there are payment defaults between the registrar and the reseller through which the domain was registered.注册商拒绝转移,代理商和注册商之间存在支付违约问题。The domain name is locked and the registrar did not update the status and did not provide me with means to update it.域名被锁定,注册商不更新解锁状态。My registrar blocked the transfer saying that the domain name was created less than 60 days ago, or that it was transferred to my registrar less than 60 days ago.注册商拒绝转移,理由是域名注册不到60天,或刚转移不到60天。。Other.其他的情况。
Please indicate which of the following you have completed in working with your current or losing registrar: 请说明当前域名转移处理情况,这里分两个部分选择相应问题说明
Regarding the authorization code (auth-code) * 关于转移授权码
I tried to retrieve the auth-code from my control panel. 我尝试了从控制面板获取转移码I asked the registrar to provide me the auth-code, but it was not sent within the 5 days following my request. 我请求域名注册商提供授权码,但是在我提出请求后5天内未发送。 (一般选这一项,因为国内域名注册商的控制面板中一般都没有获取转移授权码的功能!)
Regarding the lock status * 关于锁定状态
I already tried to unlock the domain name myself. 我已经尝试自己解锁域名。I asked the registrar to unlock it, but the domain was not unlocked nor did I receive means to unlock it myself. 我请求域名注册商解锁,但是域名未被解锁,我也未得到如何自助解锁的方法 (一般选中这一项即可)
Please provide additional comment or details写上您的投诉事件简要描述即可。
最好把问题写清楚简要。然后点submit提交即可A英文信模板(括号中文为替换文本说明标注,替换为相应内容删除中文即可):Hello,I registered my domain mydoname.com (注册域名)【比如:vpszn.com】at xxx(注册商,whois中Registrar,如果不清楚,可以不填这一项). I am not satisfied with their service and I want to transfer my domain to other.I can’t find any place on their site to get my Auth-code. Followed their FAQ, I found they require a paper form to be filled and mailed to their office with a hard copy of my official personal photo ID or/and passport. I feel very uncomfortable about this. I don’t think they has authority to check my personal id and keep a hard copy, it contains lot of my privacy info. I believe this requirement is against both ICANN policy and local law.Please help me getting my Auth-code from them.Thanks.
B英文信模板:域名代理商拒绝并要求续费HelloIm a Chinese people and bought a domain mydoname.com(注册域名) in 20xx.I decided to transfer my domain to west263.com for the better service and lower renew price.But the agent xxx(注册商)and its agent xxxx.xx(代理商) dont provide the auth-code to me. They ask me to renew the domain first which will cost me xx RMB and 60 days.I think I’m the domain owner and I have the right of transfering my domain by free。 But many domain agents in China (not only xxx)always set up many check points and collect fees to avoid customers transfering domain out of them。Please ask xxx。com send the auth-code of mydoname.com to it’s owner email and regulate the behavior of Chinese agents。Thanks